Future - ready ed right skills to right job

Karabulut Ş. (Ulusal Proje Ortağı), Gürlen E. , Boztunç öztürk N. , Kademli M.

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus+ Projesi
  • Proje Grubu: Fen ve Mühendislik
  • Projenin Yürütüldüğü Birim: Hacettepe ASO 1. OSB MYO
  • Başlangıç Tarihi: Ekim 2018
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Eylül 2021


Efforts to transform automation-based production systems into more efficient, fast, and flexible manufacturing systems where machines communicate with each other with Industry 4.0 have gathered speed. Such transformation not only raises some concerns for both producer and consumer but also brings about certain facilitation for both sides. While businesses utilize the opportunities offered by this transformation in an accurate and timely manner to survive in a competitive market, the employees fear for losing their jobs. In order to address or reduce such fears and concerns, the remedy is to resort to training. Updating training programs in order to train businesses and individuals who are suitable for the employee profile needed in our age and by our businesses is one of the business steps to be taken with priority. Importance should be attached to the views of stakeholders for ensuring a sustainable training program. The opinions of the businesses, which are among stakeholders, should be obtained as to any details, including whether they have knowledge about Industry 4.0 and the employee profile they are in need of.

In line with such context, the opinions of a working group comprised of companies with high employment potential in different sectors in eight countries including the UK, Estonia, Finland, France, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, and Turkey were invoked, and a survey consisting of 21 questions was conducted on 448 companies in total. The survey aimed to determine whatever understanding the firms have about the concept of Industry 4.0, whether they have any strategies about it, and what competencies and skills they expect from training institutions. The conduct of the survey was carried out over a period of 5 months electronically and in written media. Percentage and frequency values are calculated in analyzing the data and illustrated with the help of a histogram using percentage values.

As a consequence, while most companies in the UK, France, Lithuania, Spain, and Turkey represented that Industry 4.0 has a positive effect on their organizations, it is observed that companies, with the exception of Spain and Turkey, are generally discovered to have basic knowledge about and familiarity with Industry 4.0. In addition, the degree of readiness of the companies to integrate with Industry 4.0 exhibits a variation among countries. While the vast majority of companies consider the role of training in the development of vocational students or technicians for Industry 4.0 to be important, a large number of companies have stated that they do not have any training program to develop skills pertaining to Industry 4.0. The results of the survey come from different sectors and it is observed that the sectors of digitalization are affected differently.